Found 19 verses for Obadiah

1 Kings 18:3

And Ahab called Obadiah, who was over the household. (Now Obadiah feared the Lord greatly,

1 Kings 18:4

and when Jezebel cut off the prophets of the Lord, Obadiah took a hundred prophets and hid them by fifties in a cave and fed them with bread and water.)

1 Kings 18:5

And Ahab said to Obadiah, “Go through the land to all the springs of water and to all the valleys. Perhaps we may find grass and save the horses and mules alive, and not lose some of the animals.”

1 Kings 18:6

So they divided the land between them to pass through it. Ahab went in one direction by himself, and Obadiah went in another direction by himself.

1 Kings 18:7

And as Obadiah was on the way, behold, Elijah met him. And Obadiah recognized him and fell on his face and said, “Is it you, my lord Elijah?”

1 Kings 18:16

So Obadiah went to meet Ahab, and told him. And Ahab went to meet Elijah.

1 Chronicles 3:21

The sons of Hananiah: Pelatiah and Jeshaiah, his son Rephaiah, his son Arnan, his son Obadiah, his son Shecaniah.

1 Chronicles 7:3

The son of Uzzi: Izrahiah. And the sons of Izrahiah: Michael, Obadiah, Joel, and Isshiah, all five of them were chief men.

1 Chronicles 8:38

Azel had six sons, and these are their names: Azrikam, Bocheru, Ishmael, Sheariah, Obadiah, and Hanan. All these were the sons of Azel.

1 Chronicles 9:16

and Obadiah the son of Shemaiah, son of Galal, son of Jeduthun, and Berechiah the son of Asa, son of Elkanah, who lived in the villages of the Netophathites.

1 Chronicles 9:44

Azel had six sons and these are their names: Azrikam, Bocheru, Ishmael, Sheariah, Obadiah, and Hanan; these were the sons of Azel.

1 Chronicles 12:9

Ezer the chief, Obadiah second, Eliab third,

1 Chronicles 27:19

for Zebulun, Ishmaiah the son of Obadiah; for Naphtali, Jeremoth the son of Azriel;

2 Chronicles 17:7

In the third year of his reign he sent his officials, Ben-hail, Obadiah, Zechariah, Nethanel, and Micaiah, to teach in the cities of Judah;

2 Chronicles 34:12

And the men did the work faithfully. Over them were set Jahath and Obadiah the Levites, of the sons of Merari, and Zechariah and Meshullam, of the sons of the Kohathites, to have oversight. The Levites, all who were skillful with instruments of music,

Ezra 8:9

Of the sons of Joab, Obadiah the son of Jehiel, and with him 218 men.

Nehemiah 10:5

Harim, Meremoth, Obadiah,

Nehemiah 12:25

Mattaniah, Bakbukiah, Obadiah, Meshullam, Talmon, and Akkub were gatekeepers standing guard at the storehouses of the gates.

Obadiah 1:1

The vision of Obadiah. Thus says the Lord God concerning Edom: We have heard a report from the Lord, and a messenger has been sent among the nations: “Rise up! Let us rise against her for battle!”

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